Hitchin Girls' School - Prospectus

H I TCH I N G I RL S ’ SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 8 What we expect BEHAV I OUR FOR L E ARN I NG Hitchin Girls’ School recognises and celebrates success in all areas of school life, providing a structured environment through our Behaviour for Learning system. We take every opportunity to celebrate the achievements of all students using our rewards system and celebration events. The school has a long held tradition of using common sense and courtesy in matters of daily routine and of showing care and consideration to everyone involved in the school community. This is reinforced by our Charter of Respect, enabling students to learn, teachers to teach and everyone to feel safe and secure at school. If inappropriate behaviour choices are made, consequences are issued and the student is supported to make the right decisions in the future. UN I FORM Uniform is worn by all students at Hitchin Girls’ School until the end of Year 11. Sixth Form students are required to wear business wear. We believe it helps to encourage a good working atmosphere and promotes the feeling of belonging to a particular school. We appreciate parents’ co-operation in making sure that students are dressed appropriately. Full details of the current uniform requirements are available from the school or website. AT T ENDANCE Students are expected to attend school at all times unless they are absent through illness. In the event of long term illness, parents are asked to keep the school informed of their child’s medical progress and discuss her educational needs with our Pastoral Support Team, Form Tutor or Head of Year. Students are not expected to take holidays during term time. We use Fixed Penalty Notices following the Hertfordshire County Council Guidance for Schools. Learning beyond the classroom CLUBS Hitchin Girls’ School offers a wide range of clubs and activities encompassing all areas of the curriculum. Most activities take place at lunchtime and after school. Further details can be found on our website and Google Classroom.