Election of Parent Trustee to the Board of Trustees
The school has received six nominations for the vacancy for a Parent Trustee and it will therefore be necessary to hold a ballot.
To reduce the environmental impact of printing over 2,000 ballot slips, we are using an electronic voting system for this ballot.
Parents/carers will receive an email containing information about the candidates, details of how to vote and a randomly generated voter number for use on the voting form.
If you cannot vote electronically or do not wish to vote electronically, you can print a paper version of the voting form and submit this. If you are unable to print the form and require a copy, please contact admin@hgs.herts.sch.uk
The ballot will close at 11.30am on Friday 3 November 2023. No votes will be accepted after this date and time. The result will be announced as soon as possible after this.