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About Us

Our school possesses a strong ethos; the environment is familial and supportive, and we value each other. We embrace innovation whilst being aware of our history and traditions. We are diverse yet we have a strong identity. Learning, for students and staff alike, is at the heart of all we do; we strive to create a vibrant atmosphere where high-quality education can take place and the whole school can thrive. Central to this are our core values of Aspiration, Perseverance, Kindness, Respect and Positivity, all of which are underpinned by our relationships, our community and our sense of family.

We are incredibly proud of our students and the talented staff who support them.  Together we work to ensure that we have the best possible teaching in every classroom, happy and successful students and staff, and a positive, inspiring environment.  

I look forward to welcoming you and your child into our school, providing them with an exceptional education and supporting them to future success.

- James Crowther, Headteacher

About Us 

Hitchin Girls' School is a high-achieving single-sex, all-ability school serving the local community with 1364 students on roll, including 314 in the Sixth Form. Having been rated Outstanding by Ofsted in 2013, we again achieved Outstanding in every area reported on in November 2024. 

The school occupies a pleasant site at the top of Windmill Hill with its own playing fields and woods. As well as general classrooms, we have specialist teaching areas for Art and Design, Computing, Drama, Food Technology, Graphics and Resistant Materials, Mathematics, Music, PE, Science and Textiles.

In February 2018 a new Sports Hall, comprising a four-court hall, dance studio and fitness suite, was officially opened by former HGS student and Commonwealth Games (2018) Paralympian, Maria Verdeille. In September the same year, a new ten-classroom teaching block was opened to support the expansion of the school, along with an enlarged dining space and an additional science laboratory. In 2021 a further laboratory was added, and more recently we have resurfaced our outdoor tennis courts as we continue to ensure our facilities are of the highest possible standard.

Photo of Woodside Block and the Sports Hall

    Photo of the inside of the Sports Hall

We are a fully inclusive school where the individual progress of our students is paramount. We encourage them to develop independence and resilience in their studies to enable them to be lifelong learners.

We are very proud of our academic successes over many years and celebrate the fact that students of all abilities make excellent progress in their chosen courses. GCSE and A Level results are consistently high, and we are among the top performing state schools in Hertfordshire.

However, academic achievement is just part of the story and our students enjoy success in a wide variety of activities outside the classroom, including in sports, music, clubs, and through other educational, social, recreational and international opportunities on offer. There are also many chances for them to make a positive contribution to the school and the wider community, through charity work, the House system and voluntary schemes. These instil so many of the qualities and skills that our young people need for their futures.

We work hard at Hitchin Girls’ School and our expectation is that everyone makes their best endeavours in all that they do. The very highest standards of conduct, respect, effort and personal attainment are our goal for all members of our community.

In December 2019 we were delighted to be awarded World Class School status and we were re-accredited in July 2022. We currently hold the ‘Effective Practice’ of the Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in Schools Mark, Centre of Excellence status from the Leadership Skills Foundation and the Eco Schools flag.

Our Sixth Form is very successful, sharing teaching with Hitchin Boys’ and The Priory Schools as part of the longstanding Hitchin Post-16 Consortium.

High levels of attainment, sound common sense, self-assurance and respect for others have been an integral part of our strong tradition for over 100 years. It is our firm intention to maintain and build upon these standards so that our students leave us fully equipped for their life ahead. We hope that this website will give you a picture of a busy, friendly, caring school, and of the wide range of curricular and extracurricular activities available to all students.

Photo of the Sixth Form block