Extracurricular Activities
All students are encouraged to develop their personal interests through the many clubs and societies available, covering art, classics, drama, the environment, mathematics, music, photography, science, sport and more.
Read on for more information on the types of activities on offer, and take a look at the videos of students talking about their clubs too!
Clubs and Societies
Clubs and societies vary from year to year, and reflect the interests of our students. They are often led by members of the Sixth Form. Current groups include Art Club, Science Club, Street Dance, Greek, Gym, Junior Choir, etc.
Over 60% of our students participate in a full sporting programme that operates during lunchtime and after school including competitions. Various clubs offer specialist coaching for those students interested in athletics, dance, football, gymnastics, hockey, netball, rounders, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, tennis, cricket and trampoline.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
The Bronze Level of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is introduced to students during the Autumn Term of Year 10. Many progress to the Silver and Gold Levels and there are currently 80 students participating in the award scheme.
The Music department offers a variety of opportunities for every student to develop their individual and group musical skills. Students are encouraged to play a musical instrument, both for personal enjoyment and to help develop self-discipline. Lessons are available for piano, drum kit, guitar, voice and the usual orchestral instruments, i.e. strings, woodwind and brass. Group activities include Senior and Junior Orchestra, Concert Band, Brass Group, Guitar Group and Ukulele Club. There are numerous choral groups including Senior and Junior Choirs.
Expeditions, Outings and Exchanges
Many school trips, field studies and outings take place during school time, in the evening, at weekends and during the holidays, forming a natural extension to the school curriculum. Outings are arranged to theatres, galleries, museums, sporting events, music performances, conferences, universities, science labs, etc. Residential trips include a PGL trip in Year 8, a two-yearly ski trip, a sports tour to Holland, and classics trips to Greece and Italy.
See our full list of recent and forthcoming school trips.
Our photo gallery includes albums from past trips.
Sports Leadership Festival
Y10 - Y12 Sports Leadership students host local primary school pupils for a range of fun games they devise themselves, as well as visiting the schools to run sports activities.
Project Polyglot
Some of our Year 10 Modern Foreign Languages students take part in Project Polyglot, which involves devising French and Spanish lessons aimed at Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children, and then visiting local primary schools to deliver the lessons
World Class Schools
World Class Schools Symposium 2022
Our students who attended this event at St Marylebone School in London represented the school with dignity and pride, and we are all delighted with their contributions and involvement with the programme.
The Symposium's theme was: "How can social media be used as a force for good?". There were some great questions and stimulating discussions with the panel of experts, before the students took part in a workshop to design a new smartphone app.
We were then formally awarded our re-accreditation of World Class status, having performing excellently at this year's assessment centre and the symposium.
Even more impressively, Amelie Woolass and Bibi Winter have been awarded the joint 'World Class Schools Qualified Assessors of the Year 2022' prize. They have assessed a number of schools and have remained dedicated to the WCSQM assessment procedure over a number of years. It is a fully deserved award of which we are incredibly proud. Well done Amelie and Bibi!
World Class Schools Celebration Event 2021
Miss Atkins and Mr Derrett took eight of our students to Oxford on 6 December 2021 to take part in the World Class Schools Celebration Event 2021.
They explored the Ashmolean Art and Archaeology Museum, went on a tour of the historic city led by a current Oxford student, and then attended the ceremony, which included musical performances, essay competition winners, speeches, photographs and more.
The students who took part were Milly Price, Molly Gaskins, Niamh Charmantier, Bea Lewis, Emily Carlyle and Molly George, plus Amelie Woolass and Bibi Winter in their capacity as ‘qualified assessors’. They delivered a two-minute presentation in the famous Sheldonian Theatre to the World Class Schools, explaining the details of their role.
All our students were a real credit to themselves and to the school. We hope they enjoyed their day!