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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding was introduced by the government in 2011. It is additional funding allocated to schools, to help reduce the inequalities and gaps in attainment between students who registered for Free School Meals at any point in the past six years and their peers.

This funding has since been extended to children looked after (in the care of the local authority for a day or more) or those who were previously looked after and have since been adopted from care. The government refers to these students, together with those who have received Free School Meals in the past six years, as ‘disadvantaged students’.

For the academic year 2024/25, 7.7% of our cohort are eligible for the Pupil Premium. We expect to receive funds in the region of £115,000

This does not include students identified as Pupil Premium students in the Sixth Form, as no funding is received at this stage of their education. However, as a school, we endeavour to monitor the individual needs of these students and add interventions when required. All of these students are also invited to apply for a Sixth Form bursary to support them during their A Levels. 

It is up to schools to decide how to spend the Pupil Premium funding that they receive. This is because schools are best placed to assess their students’ needs and use the funding to improve attainment.

See our Pupil Premium strategy statement

The Pupil Premium Lead at Hitchin Girls’ School is:

Mrs R. Cooper
Assistant Headteacher