Admissions & Open Event
Hitchin Consortium
Hitchin Girls' School is part of the Hitchin Consortium, which also includes Hitchin Boys' School and The Priory School. The purpose of the Consortium is to offer a wider choice of post-16 subjects across the three schools to all their students. Find out more by visiting the Hitchin Consortium website.
Hitchin Girls' School will admit to its Sixth Form any student of the appropriate age with an EHCP that names the school. The school will admit up to 50 external students to its Sixth Form.
Minimum academic entry requirements are 5 Grade 9-4 GCSE passes, including English and Maths at Grade 4 or above. Some subjects will have additional entry requirements as set out in the Sixth Form Prospectus, and all have a recommended GCSE Average Points Score (APS).
If the school is oversubscribed, priority will first be given to:
i) Children looked after or previously looked after:
Children looked after (in public care) and children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order).
ii) Children for whom this is their nearest Hertfordshire-maintained school or academy that is non-faith and non-partially selective, and makes provision for children of the relevant gender.
iii) Distance (if two applicants have the same home-school distance both shall be admitted).
External students: Year 12 Options form - Sept 2024 entry
This form is intended to provide us with key details so that we can contact you about your Options. Please complete all compulsory sections.
The deadline for completion is 11 December.
Any applications after this date will be dependent on available spaces.